Originally Posted By: Xarthor
I'm not sure if this has already being discussed in this topic. But does Unity have a integrated Code Editor (like SED or better) or do you need some external IDE to programm for Unity?

I'm more a programmer than an artist (a lot more programmer actually wink ) and to me the workflow of unity looks "strange".

My workflow with 3DGS is the following:
- Create test level in WED if needed
- Setup script files, load level in script (if needed)
- script everything in SED, create most entities via script or place them in WED (if needed)

As you can see I use SED the most and run everything from there. How is the workflow of a programmer in Unity?

I appreciate any sharing of experience!
Thank you

yeah they have a script editor, it isnt exactly integrated, but if you open a script from within unity's project list a popout script editor comes up.