Originally Posted By: ventilator
hm... i think there is some confusion about components.

unity uses objects just like other engines.

this.transform.position = ...

"this" is the current object. i haven't used unityscript yet but probably "this" is implicit there and you can leave it away?

in gamestudio the pendant is "my".

my.x = ...

You want to have a character walking on the screen


you load a model in the editor
You create an Action in SED :
you assign the Action to the model


you load a model in the editor
you create a script :
you assign the script to the model


The engine supplies a TVActor() class

you instance your model
TVActor myModel;

You load the model
myModel = TVActor.Load(".."):

In the game play you write

Are exactly the same stuff for you ? I dont think so

In my opinion TrueVision only allow a true traditional OOP
Unity3d is on Component side, Components are also classes, if it is what you meant
3dgs is something in between
Actions in my opinion are components created by developer
3DGS is probably more flexibile than other engines but I find the code style quite ugly...personal taste of course

Last edited by AlbertoT; 03/26/10 16:30.