I absolutely agree with you.

But there is a little difference, when I personally rate these different tools. I also have my preferences and I personally love some Delphi-like style, a mixture of OO, components and a powerful library with a very good documentation.

But nevertheless I would even program in C++ (I dont like it because you have to deal with so much technical issues of the language instead of writing your code), when this is the only way to get my hand on a good renderer with a good scene management.
In the end I see the language as an interface to a very powerful technology. I would not use a Delphi-Game-Engine, only because I love this language. I am first checking how powerful the technology is. Can it render the world I want to build?
I love sci-fi interiors, but when I dont have zones and portals together with shadows and shaders, then I never can create interesting sci-fi interiors. So I have to check, where I can render something like this.
The same counts for people who want to make a large terrain game. They have to check, make stress tests and then use what works best for them.

I would read a comparison of languages and code styles of different engines. I would take this into account but in the end it would not be the most important feature to make a decision.

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