
I find this...tantalizingly interesting. It all sound good, but here's what I *really* want...

(NOTE: This is my "Ultimate 3D Game Engine Wish List", as of today...I don't expect all of it, or even most of it,...but the more the better! ).

1. Rivers with physics (re: Torque3D)

2. Roads with automatic terrain deformation if desired (re: Leadwerks Engine)

3. Destructable vegetation/objects (re: Torque3D with Sickhead Games 'forest add-on' stuff...see 'South Pacific' demo).

4. File structure is "change aware" and drag-and-drop (re: Unity 3d)

5. Terrain import for all the latest and greatest (re: importing from GROME II, GeoControl, PnP Terrain Creator, etc.), as well as some serious in-editor/game terrain manipulation and painting tools.

6. General "ease of use" (re: Unity3d)

7. Advanced rendering options (re; Leadwerks, ShiVa)

8. Easy scripting capabilities (re: A7)

9. Ability to script in other languages (re: LUA, C#, VB, Ruby, etc.)

10. Integration capability for IDE's (re: Visual Studio)

11. EVERYTHING real-time in editor, making full use of GPU's, multi-core, and SLI.

12. A Bajillion Import/Export format's (re: uh...too many to list...just look at the import/export list for something like Milkshape, or UltimateUnwrap3d...then double it...;) ).

13. Plug-ins for #12, to the most popular 3d and 2d packages (re: Lightwave, XSI, 3DSMAX, Maya, Blender, ZBrush, 3D Coat, Photoshop, Paint Shop Pro, Paint.NET, GIMP, etc.)

14. Sky rendering with volumetric clouds, time of day, and atmoshperic effects

15. Environmental effects galor (re: snow, wind, lightning, rain, hail, ash, gerbils, etc.)

16. Ability to "package" a group of settings and common items so we can re-use them in other games/levels, etc. (re: "prefabs" that can include environment settings, groups of objects, sounds, textures, or even entire folders with contents).

Well, that's the gist of it. So...how close can A8 come to that? laugh

PS: At least a semi-reasonable price...no $30,000 price tag, please, but $3,000...sure!


"We've got a blind date with destiny...and it looks like she's ordered the lobster."

-- The Shoveler

A7 Commercial (on Windows 7, 64-bit)