I have the similar problem during the last 2 houres so I give this thread a bump. So far I've got it...
STRING *strLogingPass = "#99";
STRING *strPassHidden= "#99";

TEXT *txt_loginPass = {
	pos_x = 40;
	pos_y = 118;
	layer = 2;
	font = fontStandard;
	strings = 1;
	string (strPassHidden);

BOOL checkPass= 0;
void createHiddenPass() {
	while(checkPass== 1) {
		var passLen = str_len(strLogingPass);
		var x = 0;
		for(x=0;x<passLen;x++) {
			if(x=0) {
				str_cpy(strPassHidden, '*');
			} else {
				str_cat(strPassHidden, '*');

void windowLogin_passIn() {
	set(txt_loginPass, SHOW);

	checkPass= 1;
	var lastkey = inkey(strLogingPass);
	checkPass= 0;
	if(lastkey == 13) windowLogin_login();

This is just one way I've tryed to get that many *'s like the length of the real entered password. Main problem seam to be tha the strings have to be cleared to get the right length values, but then inkey doesn't read the inout anymore. However, I didn't get it work and need a hint to deal with the conversion from the inkey-string to the *'s...

Gor Na Kosh

Last edited by GorNaKosh; 03/28/10 20:51.