Originally Posted By: ratchet
I really don't see the use of MED, it can be good for beginners in game making , or little tasks, but when modeling , animating serioulsy it's a pain ot use and can't compare with specialised tools.

I was thinking the same, but MED is a great tool for importing models. In most GameEngines you either have direct fbx/colloda/etc importer or exporters for MAX. not eveyone has max. Problem of direct importing is that everytime something goes wrong while importing(or exporting), you have to go back your 3d package and figure out what could be wrong, because everything seems fine in the 3d program. With med, you can see what is wrong, and fix most of them in med, if it is not a very big problem.

Last edited by Quadraxas; 03/31/10 12:41.