Finally I got an idea, how to store references to a value type, without the need of a Thread. This method would/could use ventilator's suggested idea, of keeping an array for all variables that should be updated, in/because of these panel functions and update them at the beginning/end of a frame...
The downside is, that the code for the user to enter isn't that beautiful (two lambdas, if the panel function would read AND write into the variable)...
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;

namespace ConsoleApplication1
    class ReferenceStorage
        public delegate double getValue();
        public delegate void setValue(double value);
        public getValue getValueLambda;
        public setValue setValueLambda;

        public ReferenceStorage(getValue getValueLambda, setValue setValueLambda)
            this.getValueLambda = getValueLambda;
            this.setValueLambda = setValueLambda;


    class Program
        /* this method should depict the engine, changing/reading through the reference */
        static void backgroundFunction(ReferenceStorage.getValue getValue, ReferenceStorage.setValue setValue)
             * if a permanent reference to that variable would be needed,
             * create a Reference Storage, to keep the two Lambda expressions
             * code :
             * ReferenceStorage newStorage = new ReferenceStorage(getValue, setValue);

            while (true)
                setValue(getValue() + 1);
                Console.WriteLine(getValue() + " increased, using lambda expression");



        /* a method that would be called from the user */
        static void dummyWrapperFunction(ReferenceStorage.getValue getValue, ReferenceStorage.setValue setValue)
            System.Threading.Thread t = new System.Threading.Thread(
                () => { backgroundFunction(getValue, setValue); }

        static void Main(string[] args)
            double dummyValue = 30;

            /* call a dummy wrapper function and pass a 'reference' to the value type dummyValue 
             * THIS is the code that user would have to enter, if the panel function would read AND write into the variable
                () => { return dummyValue; },
                (double newDummyValue) => { dummyValue = newDummyValue; }

            while (true)
                dummyValue += 1;
                Console.WriteLine(dummyValue + " increaesd, through directly increasing the variable");


This could/would most likely be preferable over the two other options I mentioned, although it's not that easy for the user to use....

I'm currently always referring to double as the new variable type that could replace Var, but what I'm asking myself is, wouldn't a float suffice, as the value range of Var is already way smaller than float ?
pros for float in my opinion would be, a double isn't really needed and float should be faster in general than double I think
cons for float would be, that the usage of float is ugly to say the least... for example, the following statement is not allowed :
float bla = 30.2;

it has to be :
float bla = 30.2f;

Last edited by Stromausfall; 04/01/10 08:13.

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