the first problem is, that it's not able to save a ref to a variable afaik!
and the next problem is, that the ref is only as long valid, as it is in the scope of the function ->

void dummy(ref int x) 
only here x is valid !, as soon as the program jumps back to where dummy was called 
from, x is invalid ! 

this works fine as long as we don't want to pass a permanent reference to a variable!
to make it permanent it would be necessary to stay as long in this scope, as we need the ref !
I tried that with Threads, but as mentioned - too much overhead and calling the function is 
at least as ugly as the lambda approach ...

and one may also not use lambdas which use variables that are declared 'ref'!

get the C# wrapper:
for A7.85.4 and A8.30.4, Version 2.3.9
at or visit the thread