thank you for your detailed explanation - they are invaluable to detect the cause of the problem !!
the situation you mentioned, seems to be the exact reason, why this bug occurs ! You add a thread to the scheduler (regardless of the priority of the function like Scheduler.PROC_MODE.PROC_EARLIEST), while this one is maybe just iterating over the list to which you add the function -> this causes the crash !
I will have a look at it and see if i can create a quick hotfix for the wrapper, which adds some kind of "thread-safe" - Scheduler.AddEventVoid(FunctionName) function - which should prevent this problem !

edit :

I've uploaded a new version of the wrapper : 1.0.2 (big thanks go to DJBMASTER for providing me with the needed details to solve this problem !!), that now includes a method named AddEventVoidThreadSafe that is the thread safe variant of the method AddEventVoid !
Whenever you don't need AddEventVoidThreadSafe, use AddEventVoid, as methods added through AddEventVoidThreadSafe aren't executed immediately, but may take up to one frame to execute - so only use AddEventVoidThreadSafe if you access the scheduler from another thread !

I've used the following code to test this new function :
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;

using System.Collections;

using AcknexWrapper;

using System.Threading;

namespace OldWrapperTestApp
    class Program
        private static DateTime StartTime = DateTime.Now;

        static IEnumerable bla()
            yield return 1;

        static void dummyFun()
            while (true)
                Console.WriteLine(DateTime.Now - StartTime);

        static void Main(string[] args)

            Thread t = new Thread(dummyFun);



and I've got the following results :

1.)  00:00:16.4375000 - crash
2.)  00:00:40.8750000 - crash
3.)  00:00:04.4375000 - crash
4.)  00:00:04.2968750 - crash
5.)  00:06:12.2968750 - crash
6.)  00:00:03.3750000 - crash
7.)  00:00:45.0781250 - crash
8.)  00:00:05.2968750 - crash
9.)  00:00:07.7031250 - crash
10.) 00:00:14.4687500 - crash


1.) ~ 00:02:30 - aborted by user - no crash
2.) ~ 00:02:45 - aborted by user - no crash
3.) ~ 00:02:30 - aborted by user - no crash
4.) ~ 00:03:00 - aborted by user - no crash
5.) ~ 00:02:30 - aborted by user - no crash

Last edited by Stromausfall; 04/04/10 22:44.

get the C# wrapper:
for A7.85.4 and A8.30.4, Version 2.3.9
at or visit the thread