Hi I am trying to use this but i get the error "E1512 Empty prototype called in main"

Mabe I am not putting the files in the correct folder or am missing some files?
I placed "A6mySQL.dll" and "libmysql.dll" in "C:\3D GameStudio A7\sdk_plugin"

If it helps, here is my very basic test code:
dllfunction mySQL_Connectdb(w,x,y,z);
dllfunction mySQL_Closedb();
dllfunction mySQL_ExecQuery(string);
dllfunction mySQL_GetVal(x,y);
dllfunction mySQL_GetStr(string,x,y);
dllfunction mySQL_RowNumber();
dllfunction mySQL_IsConnected();

void main()
	int hr;
	hr = mySQL_Connectdb('mydb','localhost','root','passblablabla');

Am I missing some include or something here?

Any help would be greatly apreciated, thanks in advance

Last edited by Carlos3DGS; 04/12/10 11:39.