It's been a little bit since I've been back to 3D Game Studio (my roots of game design), so I just thought I'd pop in and update everyone who cares at least.

I've been working with a development company lately producing iPhone/iPad applications, Android applications, and if anyone has heard of Quartz Composer - then yes that too. Adding onto that we do web design and programming, database programming, I pretty much get to do all that stuff and it's pretty exciting!

I remember when I was here using 3D Game Studio like 8 hours a day as a hobbyist I always aspired to do something with programming and development and actually be paid for it hourly, and now I have a job like that - all thanks to THIS COMMUNITY! If any of you are ever interested in becoming a better developer and opening up to more than just games for the PC I highly recommend looking into iPhone/iPad development or even a free development OS is Androids OS.

Now I'm not saying back away from 3DGS - not a chance. I still have 3DGS on my computers and use it for all my game design on the PC platform. But give yourself as a person a chance to explore and learn, build your profile and portfolio. I'm starting my own personal blog and going to be making personal apps in my free time, I may even show off some big time apps I've been working on but feel free to stop by and ask questions.... I'd be moreeeeee than happy to teach this community new tricks with new things laugh

Thanks guys laugh And this community really is the greatest - feel lucky you have each other.

Ground Tactics - Coming Soon