Hey Maslone1,

My wife upgraded my software last Christmas to A7 Commercial, so I am pleased to find your codebase. Rather than try and re-write my old C-Script space game from scratch in Lite-C, I am attempting to learn Lite-C as I fiddle with your source. Thanks for making it available.

Can you tell me what I would need to do to change the camera from 850 quants above the ship to first person perspective? I have modified F_cam_one, but I'm sure the keystrokes and other stuff also need to be changed. Not sure where or to what values...

function Cam1()
var cam_goal_dist; //Variable for the camera-distance
camera.z = Ships[1].z + 50; // cam-starting position


camera.x = Ships[1].x;
camera.y = Ships[1].y;

cam_goal_dist = Ships[1].x + 850 + facCamAbst;
if(camera.x < cam_goal_dist) { camera.x += 1.8; } // the cam position follow the calculated cam_goal_dist variable
if(camera.x > cam_goal_dist) { camera.x -= 1.2; }
camera.tilt= 0; // -90 = look down
camera.roll= -90; // -90 = look forward
camera.pan = 0; // -90 = look sideways


People who live in glass houses shouldn't vacuum naked.