Originally Posted By: Damocles_
We should make a collection of these type of job-offers,
its always funny to read them.

(Not directed at this post specifically)

"Hi Im X, (just played Y..) so I want to make a
Game like Y. I have a really cool story (Y+ type),
and you can work for me for payment (future Revenue * 0.01)
to make my game.
Come join my company B where Im the CEO.
I do the story and some levels.
I've downloaded a gunmodel already"

Why is it so hard for everyone to accept that people have dreams? I have taken my dream, started to shape it into reality, and it is coming along great. Give people a chance. You may be surprised what people can come up with! I may not be the greatest game developer in the world, but as long as I can create something that is fun to play, I don't need to be. So many people have been shot down from their ideas, from which could come the greatest game in history, but because these types of communities won't give them a chance, they don't happen. I DID NOT LET THAT HAPPEN WITH ME, AND I WILL NOT LET IT HAPPEN!!! I am not saying that my idea will prosper, but no one (but God, and none of that "No religion in game design" crap) knows. It sounds very childish, but one dream can go extremely far. You should stop doing this to these poor people. You are proving immaturity when you shoot down people like this, even if you know they won't succeed (Which you can't know for sure). I hope you all come to see this soon.

(Slowly becoming successful as the CEO OF JOQUAN PRODUCTIONS. I am grateful however, of some of you saving me the legal trouble with our former name. I didn't have a legal agent yet.)

PS - @OP, good idea, but you should post more information so people will be somewhat more attracted to joining you. I am willing to help you out and give you some advice on my spare time, but I am still busy operating my game studio. I don't want the money, as we are completely charitable. Any money we make will be donated to some type of charity.