Dear friends,
there is a new gameplay prototype on George's Windows Live account, please test it carefully. The crates have a different code (again...) that does not use "GLIDE" anymore, however they should not get stuck anymore, please tell me if you can push them through narrow passages and the like.
What's new?
The player automatically grabs ledges in mid-air when you push left/right, then press up/down to move on.
There are explosive crates (they don't cause damage, yet) that get activated by pushing/ pulling them.
The Sister was supposed to be able to fly upwards, so I implemented a very basic grapnel attached to a chain (for now you have to use your imagination) that you activate by pressing [Enter]. If you hold down left/right before you start it, you can pull crates towards you. Good/ bad idea?

"Falls das Resultat nicht einfach nur dermassen gut aussieht, sollten Sie nochmal von vorn anfangen..." - Manual

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