There is a new gameplay video on youtube. When you've seen the first video then it's almost the same, but this is exactly what I've done the last days/weeks: I improved the overall gameplay (including rewrites of big parts of the code), the movement is faster and much more stable now. Also, now you can combine almost every move in the game with another to move more fluently and to reach other spots.

I removed the RPG elements (including item selection, inventory and the like) because in the end they weren't fun. As a result the controls are simple again (yay!), one button each for jump, attack, (magic/) spell and for movement (rope, wallrun, uprun, really simple).
If you are familiar with Super Smash Bros. 64, then you will be comfortable with the Superku attack system (I hope so). There is a first implementation of a sword (current model by DevoN, thanks buddy!) that will be your primary weapon.

Not in the video: I removed the ability to divide Superku into 3 small fellows, the ability to fly and to hover and the high-speed run, they did not fit well in the game, too.
Besides, the triple jump has become a double jump and I'm working on a new move that you'll get at the end of the game which allows you to speed dash three times in mid-air (see video).
Any ideas, positive/ negative criticism would be appreciated! Thanks for reading.

Last edited by Superku; 05/19/10 00:48.

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