"Unfortunately this is an international event"

Indeed, that´s what I´m trying to say.

"And I din´t say that they are not allowed to be offended by my picture irrespective of where they live."

So, were´s the problem then?
Just let them be offended. I can perfectly see their point.
And I won´t say "don´t take us too serious, we are just another culture...!"
This is plain arrogant and short sighted. This creates even more suspicions and
is not the way to go. No wonder, that they are feeling helpless.

Is it so hard to understand, that these pictures are a strong sacrilege???
What do you expect? Friede, Freude, Eierkuchen?

Edit: alpha12, thanks for your insights.

Last edited by fogman; 05/20/10 08:14.

no science involved