The first Superku demo is online!
Superku has got two new magic attacks, there will be 4 in total.

As Superku is intended to be for hardcore gamers, don't expect it to be easy to learn. If you got stuck you could watch the walkthrough on youtube (or if you don't want to play the demo):

The enemies, their movement and esp. touching enemies (that was not possible before) is buggy as hell, tear the rest of the game(play) to pieces and please try to find bugs which I would not find! wink
(password: iamtheone)

The download includes a readme-file which should explain the controls. Your goal is to find 5 milk bottles scattered across the level.

EDIT: If I missed to explain some moves, please feel free to ask here. Btw. I compiled the game with 7.82 because of my problems with 7.84, I hope this does not cause other errors.

There is no sounds and no music yet, so start your favourite song and play the demo!

Last edited by Superku; 05/23/10 10:48.

"Falls das Resultat nicht einfach nur dermassen gut aussieht, sollten Sie nochmal von vorn anfangen..." - Manual

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