Most of you guys don't really know anything about the Muslims and religion Islam. You just saying the thing that you found all over the Internet and Television. That is not right. Most of you think (I do hope that not all of you) that terrorists and Muslim are the same thing, but that is not right!

I think we should be glad that most muslims don't know the tenets of their religion either. And the notion that all religions had extremists is simply not true some never had them. for example jainism

Nowhere in this thread somebody wrote all muslims are radical but some of them are. Frank have you seen the videos and manifestos of these suicide boombers because their they explain why they are doing this, so no need for speculation. Actually they are not from the poorest places, most of them came out of western europe. For example Hamburg the 19 hijakers of September the 11 and also most of them were very well educated.

Drawing Muhammed is forbidden for you muslims not for the rest of us.