3run, the oxygen example has nothing to do with this example. You wrote:

"A human being who makes a sculpture, picture or a painting of someone is claiming for all practical purposes that he or she too can make the same form or image. Therefore it appears in the Sahih of Al-Bukhari and in other Hadith that on the day of Judgement, those who will make pictures will be told, ‘When you have tried to imitate us, make the imitation perfect too-if you have the power to do so. We did not simply make an image. We have invested it with a spirit too. If you claim to have created it then you better put a spirit inside the thing you have made."

Did you ask yourself what that means? It means that you should not play the role of the "creator". And if creating a picture without a soul already is a sin, then following "creations" are even worse:
- a sculpture (even mentioned in your post, ZBrush does sculpting as well),
- a 2d or 3d model (is basically a sculpture),
- animated speaking game persons,
- an animated cartoon character in a movie
- a robot (for entertainment or in industry)
- helping women to get pregnant

At the same time it would not be very kind to consume such products. So I ask you: Are there no pictures in your books, do you read only text books? What about magazines, newsletters? Are they all without any pictures in the islamic world? What about internet, do you read it with all images switched off?

If you really want to live this, then be consequent in each area of your life, otherwise it looks very hypocritical to many people.

Models, Textures and Games from Dexsoft