Originally Posted By: Joozey
The world is full of dickheads who can't be pursuaded, can't prevent that. The worst thing is to generalize those people with the general public, in both western and middle-east cultures wink. But I'm sure we all know that.

I understand all of your point,but to make it clear once more again,most of you seems to be generalize the effect of your 'creativity' that you put towards big religion on your country,but once again,we are different,we don't care what you agnosticism,atheism done to other religion,but for our case it's different case.

For every action is full of consequences,whether it's directly,now,future,past.even in other religion have those concept(karma,good & bad) all will comes to you,to you atheism & agnosticism just remember simple concept of law conservation of energy.

To you who still have the brainwashed by islamphobia,islam = terrorist,please make your homework for researching the real one,about bali bomb I & II,go to metrotvnews.com(one of the most reliable and respected indonesian news source) , and ask them for interview(metro files & metro reality) from an CIA asset(local indonesian in which he blurred his faces in darkness and scrambled voices,he claim himself as a CIA asset and has some proof!) that have been planted on those groups who is responsible for those action,and if you have time to visit indonesia,
go visit ITB in bandung(Bandung institute of Technology),ask them one of lecturer whom have been involved helping the local & national police,agency,there is a indication(radius of blast & explosion,the effects,the aftermath,the victim burn effect,the surrounding building aftermath effect,etc) that the group have using a mini-nuclear bomb,which even our (Indonesia) military doesn't even have small scratch a tinnier gram for these material,the heads of the groups even shock that effect of blast is more than their planned to explode which suppose to be way smaller. Yes CIA has following our asses since our 1st president soekarno.Maybe a or some of you is member & asset of those intelligence agency.


There has to be a turning point somewhere

Until those kids stops playing fps and mmo which normally just sits in their home and scold at someone,guess what their brain have teached them to redicule everything that moves,and until someone give a nice real physically palm in their face.That's when they realize to use their freedom of speech wisely,isn't it the concep of freedom of speech?,the mature results is to give a solution from every stands point,but in progress these kids must goes into this process if they doesn't grow up.

Last edited by alpha12; 05/29/10 21:16.