Originally Posted By: Vinous_Beret
...take an example "just an example" turkey,about 98% of turkish people are islamic,i never heard about turkish islamic extremists!!!have you??not all of turkish women cover's thier heads,and non of them covers thier faces.

I see Turkish women with covered hair or face almost each day. Maybe they dont live in Turkey anymore, but now they live in Germany, many of them in big cities like Berlin or Hamburg.

My brother knew a Turkish female student. She was very smart and open. But suddenly she came covered and did not speak with anyone just because her parents arranged a marriage with someone in Turkey.

Here, in this multi-cultural society (called Germany) you can experience all of this. Even the real bad side can be seen like brothers killing their own sisters just because they want to marriage another one. There is a special prison only for people like this. These people would not stand a chance in a normal prison. Nobody understands brutality like this, even the prisoners find it disgusting.
I would call this Islamic extremist.

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