file_cpy works for all Gamestudio-supported formats and pak-files. So, brute forcing all possible names of a file is always an option and maybe the best known attack when no information are available how the WRS format is built. Although, it would be clever to make a rainbow table with names of higher probability, though. This could be done by collecting filenames of game installations or open source projects for example (finding a "player.mdl" has a higher probability than "trdurfn.mdl", for instance).

If you can find models, you can read them out with the MDL7 lib and extract texture names (if extern). If you find WMB-files ("level01.wmb", "scene.wmb",...) you can use the public available WMB format description to read out names of used models. So, since WMB files usually contain much information - because they are crowded with models, sprites, terrain and so on - searching for them could be the best strategy. The same goes for WDL or .c/.h files, if the programmers statically defined model names or level names.

If you have such a brute force app, you only need fast computers and time to attack a WRS.

Happy brute forcing!

Last edited by HeelX; 05/31/10 18:17.