Well sales numbers show that Resident Evil 1-3 were never successful on the pc and even the devleoper themself said that the main reason for changing the game from RE 4 to now were the controls. And by the way it doesn't matter if you somehow manage to control a game with the keyboard the question is are you using the devices you have to control the game wisely that everybody can play it. Some people really think that nostaligia is really all you need even if is clunky Iam going to pretent that it was amazing sorry guys doesn't work.

It also doesn't add anything to help the guys who make the game it just some fanboys posting about how in the old days eveything was better.

Who ever is responsible for the game controls I maybe have a solution on how you can keep the old style camera but have the controls suited for PC. If you haven't thought about it yet.

You contact me via pm or email.