Hey there folks, I'm trying to model some foliage trees using SpeedTree Modeler 5.0. The trees look great in within the program but as soon as I export them to GameStudio with the differen lighting, shading and all .. they lose quality.
The real problem is that I can't have leaves that rotate towards the camera like if they were sprites and placing leaf sprites manually is quite a pain and a waste of time.
Also the alpha maps look less accurate for some reason.
Anyway I'm forced to keep static leaves in within the same mesh with the bark you know.
I'm modeling in a way so that I can hide those hard edges like in loopix trees (with all due respect of course I've used loopix's goodies in the past) while trying to keep them flow naturally.

Though work but I like the challenge.

Last edited by PietroNifosi; 06/02/10 03:27.

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