Sweet Drumsticks

1 KG Drumsticks (tiny chicken legs)
1 Cup of Sugar
1 Shotglass (1 1/2 oz) of water
1 bouillon cube
1/2 Small cut onion
1-2 Lauren leafs
2 Pinks (Dt.: nelken)
1 Chili
1-2 minced cloves of garlic
a bit of Cinnamon,
a bit of Lemon juice

Fry the drumsticks in a pot (trust me, you'll need a POT, not a pan!) and then add the cup of sugar. Stir a bit and then add salt and pepper and keep stirring until the sugar has evenly caramelized.

Add the water, bouillon cube, onion, laurel, garlic, pinks, cinnamon and chili and keep stirring all the way. Add the lemon juice while stirring (yes, I know, a lot of stirring involved, isn't there?) ( and no, don't run away, the stuff scorches quick and then your batch is ruined) keep stirring on medium heat until the sauce has a syrupy consistence. In doubt add more water and try again until you find your desired consistency.

If you like, you can eat it with fresh(!!!!!!!) Cilantro. Best served with rice topped with a few drops of fishsauce (I'll show you a picture of the correct brand you'll need tomorrow).

If you did everything right, it should look like this:

Unfortunately, I couldn't find real "drumsticks" and used the smallest chicken legs I could find. The problem with big legs is that the flavor doesn't soak in all the way and you'll find yourself having just dull chicken instead of this sweet little piece of heaven that results from this recipe of awesomeness, courtesy of my mother.

My flatmate enjoyed it too:

Next time on "Acknex Cooks 101", Sauce Bolognese for all your spaghetti bolognese dreams.

Happy cooking.

Last edited by Michael_Schwarz; 06/02/10 22:23.

"Sometimes JCL reminds me of Notch, but more competent" ~ Kiyaku