Im really stretching the old brain cells here, going back nearly 35 years and all, but here goes...
Age - Intended Profession  - Reason
5   - Chemical Scientist   - microscope as birthday gift
10  - Game Programmer      - Commodore Vic20 as christmas gift
12  - Electronics Engineer - while learning how to upgrade
                             and repair my Commodore64
15  - Systems Analyst      - saw how computers were forcing the
                             evolution of business operations
19  - Computer Engineer    - while helping build/configure and
                             install PC's while working as a programmer

And Ive been bouncing back and forth between Computer Engineer and Computer programmer ever since.
Based on market trends.

But Games programming has been a slowly evolving process taking place in my private time since then...

"There is no fate but what WE make." - CEO Cyberdyne Systems Corp.
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