
I have a question about the d3dcompiler and d3dx9 file.

First of all: The computer do not need it. He do not tell anything about problems. I have only read something about it on the forum here.

But I want also get sure, that it will be no problem on other computers.

I have read that d3dx9 and d3dcompiler will be needed if you are using shaders.

I have only the d3dx9 file in the folder: d3dx9_30.dll

The d3dcompiler is not in the gamestudio folder. I have found some in the windows system folder. But not d3dcompiler_42.dll. A lot of other ones like _30.

The question is:
Which versions must be included in the published game? So that the other computers donīt have any problems.

And where can i find these files, if the version is not up to date. I have A7 Pro 7.80. Windows 7.
