In many points I have to agree, but why is it false to support newbies, even if the results are horrible? This is a community as you said, not a place where everyone has to show the best results, it is a place to have fun and to learn. If you want somebody like the "real serious" user than go to a "real" game developer site. This forum is made to have fun, learn and share even the little, horrible results, because they know: I can post it here, maybe someone give me hints and tips, not because they want a feedback like yours that is destroying their wish to create games. Everyone starts small and this is want we should support, even if it is a fangame with poor graphics, too much wishes etc.

I don't say support just means saying "great! yes! amazing" all the time, but for me support isn't saying "this idea was doomed to fail" or "it is just really ugly". Even if you say "i don't want to talk you down"...What happens after it? You are talking everything down.

What of saying instead "yeah, I like the predator games and movies, nice idea you are having there but..." or sth. like that. I also had one of your reviews on my very first game I ever created. After I read your comment I thought game creating isn't for me, I am happy that there were more helpful users which are not just interested in saying facts what isn not allowed, what is old, what is stupid, but also saying that it is a nice idea, a nice story etc. and then telling the negative things.

PS: sorry for some spelling errors, 15 years germany, still in school wink

"Ich weiss nicht genau, was Sie vorhaben, aber Sie können keine Triggerzonen durch Ihr Level kullern lassen."
-JCL, 2011