if you are 8 years in the industry, you should know that EVERYONE is entiteled to opinion and critism, with our without being able to do better. and belive me, you DO NOT KNOW what i am writing or thinking.

thing is, i think you gravely misunderstood the concept of what i do. i do not make models. i never made a model in my life. nor do i do the basic concept of a model.

no, i take things i can find for free on the internet and adapt them to suit my needs. i created 2 comercial games up to this point. 5 freeware games, some of them released, some not yet. i am working on several projects at the same time, two of them probably beign released this year.

and i do all of that without ever modeling one model. so if you want to fault my models, fault the models creators, not me. i am grateful for all the free recources i can find on the internet. they do not look much to you, dear sir, since you are an industry pro that just randomly happens to find itself on the 3D GameStudio boards. I am just somebody who tried to be nice and reasonable for years, without anyone ever listening to what i say until they failed precicely for the same reason i told them they would fail.

now, i just state the obvious, things nobody dares to say because we are all nice and friendly.

you, dear professional, are entiteled to your opinion the same way i am. you may not like the way i tell the truth, but it is the truth nonetheless. i accept your critism on my person, my work and the work of the amazing people i have the luck to work with. so, please, return the favour and accept the way i handle things myself. and maybe, just maybe, you could share some of your 8 year professinalism with the community and tell our dear friends here, who were nothing but supportive to the sad chap that originally had this idea of a fan game, and tell him, them and us in general, what you REALLY think of his idea, his project and his work in general.

or you can once again be completely silent and just raise your finger again to "nonono" me when i again do what i do. but that is the least helpful method. to any of us.

thank you for probably accurately guessing what i was about to say and good day to you, and all your professional co-workers in the industry.