I have followed this topic since the beginning, and now I just have to - as we say in Germany - add my own mustard.

I'll take some honest critique any day, even if it's a punch under the line, over some brainwashed, unicorn blood sprinkled "oh that is so awesome" answer.

Critique can heavily influence how a game developer sees his own project, and I have experienced that on my own. My first level of my game Portico looked really, really bad. I didn't notice at first, because there is always some self-pride in something you create on your own. Later I still didn't notice because all the answers I got on it were "awesome" "i like it!" "moar plox!!!11!1!!!". Such stuff really messes with your perception. It was only after I took some months break from the project, due to work, and looked at it again with a fresh, objective mind, that I realized how bad it looked. And only then I got my arse up to look closer at portal, and analyze the lightning, the textures, shadows and in the end created a level that I can honestly say looks good.

So maybe it hurts you when people say bad things, and even if they don't give you constructive critizism, it is a good reminder to yourself to look at your own project again. Compare it to something else as a baseline and then see if you really did some good work, or if that evil bastard actually was right.

So regarding your project: The model looks shitty, yes, and I don't have much modeling experience, but I can appreciate good artwork and differentiate between good and bad. And your model (even if you didn't make it) is plain and simply shitty. That's the honest critique here, and there is no prettifying it. It's as simple as that.

The people kept saying that you should just start smaller, use something NOT copyrighted. So why not do that? Invent an alien of your own, maybe with tentacles on the head, hooves for feet and long scary fingernails and call it a Hunter instead of Predator. There problem solved. Instead of trying to come up with counter arguments, try to use that anger to try and SHOW HIM that you CAN do BETTER! Show him that you are not that stupid noob, show him that you CAN!

And if you can't, learn from that lesson. People learn from failures, people don't listen. To crash and burn, that is how you learn that you can or cannot do something. The bottomline is: You never know until you try. So TRY. Make it BETTER. Do IT!

"Sometimes JCL reminds me of Notch, but more competent" ~ Kiyaku