Topic: First Unity 3 betas now shipping
Post: can i have a copy just for the hell of it????
I first thought you announced that you now left this forum, when I saw that you posted under announcements...
But what I saw was even worse -.-
Just don´t try to behave like an adult, while actually behaving like a stupid kid. You are a 14 years old boy interested in gamedev and still learning the very basics, not more and not less. Just stop posting everywhere that age doesn´t matter. Even if you´d be totally brilliant and instantly understood everything, you would never have the experience of someone doing the stuff, you do for a month, already for ten years.
I actually don´t know what to say, but ARGH. If I would really care, your behaviour would just drive me totally crazy.

Edit: Something else I don´t like: Cowabanga is there too, as well as some more 13-years-old pros -.-

Last edited by Slin; 07/10/10 19:20.