I feel you guys. I hate when a 13 year old claims to have a 'business' and then attempts to 'hire' me. I'm like dude you're not old enough to register for a company much less hold me to a contract!

I'm quite proud the way I conducted myself when I was 13. I stayed off of boards till I was 15 and my posts then were generally fine. Yeah I made some immature posts, but I never got called out for my age (which no one knew), if anything I had a low star rating and got insulted a few times. Whatever.

I no longer use it but I enjoyed my time with the 3DGS engine. Just because I moved on to the UDK doesn't make it a bad engine. It's simply a product and I've found that works better for me. I've used A6 from 2003-2008, I think I damn well got my $90 bucks worth! Did I complain? Yes but I was upset that my favorite program no longer fit my needs. It happens and I'll always be attached to the community and software I've spent a good 7 years of my life on. In a sense I grew up with 3DGS (I'm 20 now.)

Check out my site http://foxzero.net
My band's website

R.I.P. Dave Williams