i wont be replying to critics about any visual element because as i stated this is an alpha test filled with placeholder stuff, instead of spending 10 hours on great blood, spend 2, then atleast you have alot more elements done then we can pretty things up later...

@racksha: we really dont wannt place screenshots of gameplay that we currently have because the visuals have doubled since the last test, however, there are shots on the facebook page, also for your synching bullets thing, for me, each client sends the start and end position of each shot... each pc then redoes the shot, as simple as it gets.. this was the best method for us

check out the facebook for pics: http://www.facebook.com/note.php?created&&suggest&note_id=138077872887230#!/album.php?aid=72571&id=1139950023&comments

remember to send the word "scion" with your friend request to be added