@Quadraxas: Yeah that's the pointer protection, but this doesn't have to make it have different operator priorities for arrays and pointers. And if you call an array just by its name, it's considered a pointer to the first array element (which is then protected wink ). Basically there is no big difference between arrays and pointers. And they should be treated the same.

@Rackscha: I didn't mean you should use fixed arrays. I was just telling that fixed arrays work correctly, but "pointer arrays" don't. And I think Lite-C should be changed to make it work.

And I also noticed that you can't define pointers of indefinite size, like it can be useful in function parameters:
void myfunction(int myarray[]) // works in C/C++, but not in Lite-C
This means, even if you use fixed arrays, but want to pass them as parameter to a function, you have to use them as pointers, and then have to use the brackets!