Originally Posted By: jcl
0.001 seconds seems very slow even for copying a huge memory area, regardless of the method.

Well, I'm sure that it is much faster, but the log function needs some time too. On the iPhone it also needs to tether the log message to the host and burn some CPU time on this task.

Thanks for explaining, I didn't know about this issue and I will try to avoid this kind of pointer to pointer relation in the future too.

Edit: Another wish for the A8 compiler: Closures and thread-safe engine functions.
Both together would be perfect for multi-threaded projects. Or even better than Closures, Blocks: http://www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg14/www/docs/n1370.pdf

Last edited by JustSid; 07/15/10 11:26.

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