Global warming is bullshit , there's more than enough evidence that shows it's a natural face the planet is going through which has nothing to do with our carbon emissions. The green movement is an abomination to the human race , and should be abolished. Same for the animal rights movement , ect... Pile of worthless humans whose loyalty belongs to everything other than the human race. They should all be tried for treason to our species. We didn't become the kings of this earth by being a pile of fucking faggots , we conquered it by fucking it in the ass. We have dominated all other species on this earth by killing them and taking all of their resources, and have escalated to our current level of living by exploiting the earth as much as we have been able to. We haven't come this far by being pussies , we have surpassed every other being on this earth in every form imaginable , and deserve to be above them. Green heads , animal rights heads , women rights heads, ect... are a disgrace to mankind , and our struggle, they have no right to live amongst us , and enjoy the luxuries we have earned for our people , and then spend their time criticizing them. All those mutherfuckers should just go live in the jungles , nobody is stopping them , they can all rejoin nature any time they want , just take off all your clothes and walk into the wilderness you love so much , see how long you last before a bear rapes you in the ass and mutilates you to pieces to share amongst it's family.

But no , all these putrid fuckers sit their and enjoy their computers and clothes and cars and light and their nicely packaged food from the grocery store , and them come and complain about the means used to achieve what they themselves enjoy so much. I wonder why anyone pays attention to these testicle-less idiots who more than likely had sex with their mother and a regular basis once they hit puberty.

So in conclusion , fuck the climate change pussies , as well as their other brother and sister organizations.