To answer your last post's question, for me personally, I would be most interested in "Event System" and "Multiplayer Entities" as a preview. Not because they are of the most importance but because I believe they could be the most motivating to buy such a book. Not sure what others think though.

As for the other remarks you made, thank you for clearing that up. I didn't realize this was to be one of multiple books, so I was missing the other parts. If the things I mentioned get worked on in other books, then this basic approach is indeed very good. Though on the other hand, we are mostly hobby programmers here. If we got payed for it, we could read loads of books, but as long as we don't get payed, the fastest way to get results is always the most motivating one. If I was only starting into mutliplayer programming, I would want to see a fully working game first and then learn how parts of it work, even with a basic approach like yours, that would be fine. But I hardly have the time to code my game, then I don't want to read 100 pages of a book, even if it saves me time (which I don't know at first).

With all that said, I think if you bring out more books that cover more advanced topics (and hopefully with loads of example scripts, because they are always a good way to learn) this is still a very good project.

~"I never let school interfere with my education"~
-Mark Twain