sPIKe, you are, and I don't care if I get banned, the most childish, ignorant, horrible English'ed (If that's even a word tongue ), weirdo I have ever had the displeasure to know that exists. In fact, I hope you realize that God exists and that you will accept Christ as Lord and Savior, as well as being the Son of God, just so I can see one more soul in Heaven. If you had a big enough mind to even grasp that all of our universe didn't happen by chance, you would realize that God is the true Creator of it. I don't need to achieve anything in earthly life, as long as I have achieved salvation. This day, I will pray for you, hoping you will come to see the truth. (I also, am part of the HIGHEST humans that ever helped our planet. No, not the planet itself, but the people.)

And yes, I enjoy trying to get people to come see the truth. Now do everything a favor and realize the truth. -.-

In the Grace of God,