I thought it might be. Arduino seems to be the only hardware around
that has a "serial.print" function. Ugly little thing that it is.

Now, is the +1000 'needed' for the finished product, or is it only for testing?
And are you able to change the arduino code?
Because if you can change the code, and the +1000 is un-necessary, you can use the following.
   Serial.print(speedCount, BYTE);
   Serial.write(speedCount);  //does the same thing

   byte tmp_byte=0;
   port_read_bytes(portSerial, &tmp_byte, 1);
   tmp = tmp_byte;

This will let you send a value of speedCount of 0 -> 255

I cant test this of course, as I dont have any arduinos to test with.

Does this get you up and running? Do you NEED to send numbers larger than 255?
If it doesnt do exactly what you NEED, let me know.

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