"port_read_number" and "port_read_string" were really only meant for,
and only tested with, a lite-c application at BOTH ends.

The reason that I tend to use port-read_bytes all the time is because, at its lowest level,
that is what the port is 'physically' doing. So I keep thinking that way to avoid confusion.

In your arduino code, Im going to assume that speedCount is an arduino-int.(appears the same as a liteC-short)
Due to you saying so, and the fact you get two bytes back with your above code.
So try these code-combinations. If you dont mind...

   short tmp_number = 0;
   port_read_bytes(portSerial, &tmp_number, 2);
   tmp = tmp_number;

and let me know how it goes...

And try this one too...
   Serial.write(1000L + speedCount); 

   long tmp_number = 0;
   port_read_number(portSerial, &tmp_number);
   tmp = tmp_number;

//if this fails, leave lite-c as is, but change the arduino code to
   long tmp_num = 1000 + speedCount;

Im curious on this one too...

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