Originally Posted By: Lukas
The human brain helped us surviving. That's what natural selection is all about. If a mutation helps an organism to survive, the new genes will replace the old ones.

that's evolution. There has to be some kind of evolution in first place. Selection doesn't work with amino acids and without reproduction cycle.

Originally Posted By: Lukas
Faster-than-light-travelling has a propability of 0%, because it's not possible.

space-time is allowed to propagate faster than light, thus it is indeed possible to travel faster than light. All you have to do is contract space before you and expand it behind you. In this bubble you can travel faster than light (*) as proven by Alcubierre and Van den Broeck.

(*) It might sound a bit misleading. In fact, you are not traveling faster than light. If light flew in the same bubble as you, it would overtake you. It's just faster than light without curving the space.
The whole point was just about a species being able to colonize galaxies. It's not impossible if the universe is infinite.

Another thing speaking against an infinite universe is entropy. If it was infinite there must be an infinite amount of information in the universe. I don't think that there's a theory validating this (I don't know much about it, to be honest).

Einstein has never measured curved space. In fact, I don't think it was possible at that time. He just predicts it in the GR. This prediction was then verified 1919 as far as I know.