You are very welcome...
My pleasure to help you... laugh

You, if you need to, can export your skins right from the skin editor.
But you should know that once they are changed to .dds files you can't do that any more...
So, keep a copy of the original file backed-up for future reference...

Do you have the capability of converting the skins to .dds files...???
If not, you will need to get a copy of Paint shop Pro or Adobe Photo Shop rigged with a .dll file from the internet that allows you to convert.
That process is kinda a tough thing to do...
Do an internet search for "Nvidea dds converter"

Anyways do you see that the coolerbt model went from 5 meg down to less than a quarter meg... that alone will increase your frame rate...

Also, I see that your main avatar is made with verticie animation.
The best avatar is made of Bones animation...
The file size gets way smaller but if you change the skins to .dds files that will help and you can convert to a new avatar with bones animation in the future...