@ Shinobi - Danke - hab`s gerade erst gelesen, da habe ich meinen eigenen Thread übersehen laugh Tipps von Galaga-Kennern sind immer herzlich willkommen. Dein Moopatrol habe ich mir gerade gesogen. Bin gespannt.

YEAH - it`s done. I have rewritten enemy functions. Instead of 15 single functions only one. Puh - I never expected, that you have to be as careful with var values when everythings in a while loop the whole time laugh

What`s new in the video:

Option menu:
If you choose an option there is a little animation. First little decoration - more is planed
Enemy behavior
Galaga enemys enter "battlefield" in three different variants. You can see all of them.
Level Up
Changing levels is not done yet, but prepared. You can see 3 different levels. I just changed the vars by hand (for the values, take a look to the top left)
Level 1:
Enemies don`t shoot, if they fly in. They are quite slow and you get no additional enemies during flight in.
Level 16:
Every fourth enemy shoots. speed is increased by 8 and you get 4 additional enemys each wave of flight in.
Level 32:
Every enemy shoots, speed is increased by 16 and you get 8 additional enemies each wave.

Time between enemy attack decreases depending on the increase of enemy speed. If you like, take a look:

My fist 78 seconds video(updated 10.27 MB)

There are 2 main problems now.

- the radius of enemy loops increase although they depend on enemy speed - I guess I will get this alone laugh
- if enemies are in wait position collision doesn`t work I don`t know why. It happens, if my.STATE = 8 or my.STATE = 9.

Cheers Ditje

Here ist the code:
// Warte Positionen ///////////////////////////////////////////////////
		if(my.STATE == 7) // Drehungen zurückstellen - Endposition
			c_move(me, vector(0, 0, 0), vector(0, 0, 0), IGNORE_ME | IGNORE_PUSH);
			me.pan = 0;
			me.tilt = 0;
			me.roll = 0;
			me.x = epos[my.ENEMID][0];
			me.y = epos[my.ENEMID][1];
			me.z = epos[my.ENEMID][2];
			my.STATE = 8;
		if(my.STATE == 8) // Auf Angriffs Position hin und her
			c_move(me, vector(0, 0, 0), vector(-0.5*time_step, 0, 0), IGNORE_ME | IGNORE_PUSH);
			if(me.x <= epos[my.ENEMID][0]-5) my.STATE = 9;
		if(my.STATE == 9) // Auf Angriffs Position hin und her
			c_move(me, vector(0, 0, 0), vector(0.5*time_step, 0, 0), IGNORE_ME | IGNORE_PUSH);
			if(me.x >= epos[my.ENEMID][0]+5) my.STATE = 8;

Last edited by Ditje; 08/17/10 15:25.