Hello guys!

I've uploaded an improved movement code to George's SkyDrive Account.
What's new?
  • A new control scheme: You can play the whole game with the arrow keys, a jump button (space) and a context sensitive button - that's [A](ction) for the moment. A panel shows the current action that can be performed by pressing the Action key. Spells will be activated this way, too.
  • You climb ledges automatically what makes the movement more fluid. You don't have to press a key anymore to go into crawl mode (boy only), just go near a crack (the model or ("None") block has to have FLAG1 set) and he will crawl automatically.
  • Enemies that detect and follow the player ("enemy_follow").
  • Imagine you have a special enemy in your level. When you have a key and Attach it in the enemy's (!!) Properties panel, it will only appear when the bad guy is dead.

Please try the example level and tell me what you think! The "goal" is to leave the room through the door on the very right with both players.

"Falls das Resultat nicht einfach nur dermassen gut aussieht, sollten Sie nochmal von vorn anfangen..." - Manual

Check out my new game: Pogostuck: Rage With Your Friends