Originally Posted By: Joozey
Well, I think it needs the SHOW flag too wink. SKY | CUBE | SHOW.
Strangely, though probably not as with most of GS, you don't need to pass the SHOW flag, as the entity is drawn when created as with world entities.

Also, the SHOW flag isn't even used for view entities, and to hide and show them you could set and reset INVISIBLE as with world entities.

Unless, just for conitec to confuse everyone even more, SHOW, SKY and CUBE are all used for flags2 and not flags, so you'll need
ent.flags2 &= ~(SHOW);

if you want to hide the entity this way.

In summary, use:
set(ent, INVISIBLE);
reset(ent, INVISIBLE);

ent.flags2 |= SHOW
ent.flags2 &= ~SHOW;

try not to mix them

Nice 3rd sky btw grin