Originally Posted By: Superku
Wow, best/ most interesting game I've seen in a long time! I couldn't stop watching...
Your videos are well done but I would have liked to see a zombie!

An Epic Battle it is then for Episode 3!

Originally Posted By: Captain_Kiyaku
Can you actually invite people to your worlds? I saw a video before where many people where in one world.

The game has a Multiplayer mode, in which you can import your own world if you are hosting a server, but currently MP is still very buggy, but also a lot of fun if you do it with friends and/or nice people who are not griefers and try to destroy everything you build grin

Originally Posted By: Toast
I totally don't get what people like so much about this game. I mean it really has some interesting approaches like being able to "build" stuff by combining certain objects you can gather to create things like doors. I see no point in the game itself though...

Maybe there's some top secret fun hidden you only get when playing but despite some interesting elements it still looks to me that this game is made of boredom. Is it already the time where I have to say "I'm too old for this"? I hope not! eek

Let me guess grin You never built sandcastles as a kid or made a pillow fortress, right? grin

"Sometimes JCL reminds me of Notch, but more competent" ~ Kiyaku