Originally Posted By: Michael_Schwarz
Let me guess grin You never built sandcastles as a kid or made a pillow fortress, right? grin

I did - just as I did play with Lego and build a "huge" several mē sized castle made of paperboard packings to crawl through with everything like windows & stuff not speaking of other stuff like doing some work on a model railroad...

I never did that though because a huge green "penis" might hop in the next second in order to explode... grin

This game focuses too much around actual work in order to be really fun. It's amazing though that the game sucked you into it - I mean not only makes it you work but it even seems it can annoy you with no negative result. At least when looking at the final part of episode 2 (I was curious if anything happens there besides reorganizing cubes under quite an expenditure of time) you stopped your actual "creational work" in order to kill off animals getting on your nerves due to their annoying sounds. I guess that's quite a compliment for the game designer: You make people work rather than play, annoy them and still they play your game... wink

It might have been really cool when it would just have been about the combination of certain parts and not being first person only (as putting things together would have a better flow when not always being tied to a first person shooter mechanism)...