I wouldn't say that it is finished in all respects, but it works for many many people, me included.
Here a quote from the replies in the Sintel blog:
# lzymxn Says:
October 2nd, 2010 at 22:38

@David i finally decided to show my 9yr old and she tells me oh you havent seen it yet, its so wonderfully tragic, the way we tend ruin our own lives with greed and selfishness….i think i may still be in shock from her response, then again ive caught this child switching from cartoon network to cnn when she thinks no one is watching o.O

Maybe, it is mainly about our expectations and our feelings, before we start viewing the movie, whether our feelings glue everything together or tear everything apart.
I'm guilty of the wish that everything fits, so for me the empathy with the main character worked, and the end didn't distract me but surprised me in a welcomed way.