Thanks for testing!

"You actually have something similar to that already: when I hold right mouse button, move the knob all the way to the right and then release the right button, the knob instantly goes to the middle of the circle."

Yes, that happens on purpose. If it stayed right and you released the button (to select a potion), the player would instantly run to the right and may run into a trap.

@ratchet: I've implemented such a control scheme a year ago in my game but I found it somehow confusing.

I've uploaded a new version,, with improved mouse control. Now it behaves like normal buttons, don't concentrate on the knob, just move the mouse and let it flow! wink
The player (for now only the boy) is now able to push and pull crates with the mouse, too. Just hold down the right mouse button when a special panel appears (you will know which I am talking about when you try it yourself).


"Falls das Resultat nicht einfach nur dermassen gut aussieht, sollten Sie nochmal von vorn anfangen..." - Manual

Check out my new game: Pogostuck: Rage With Your Friends