"The thing is that there are too many in-between-steps available, if you position the knob just a little to the left or right you can even make player run in slow motion"

No, that is not possible anymore. That's why I said the control behaves more like normal buttons, now - it's only full speed or still standing. But you're right, it was like that in the first mouse movement version. wink

Do you think that it's bad to have some kind of analogue movement like you'd have when playing a console game with a gamepad?
I've just wanted to implement it again so you can walk slowly if you want to. Bad idea?

EDIT: And again, there's a new movement prototype on SkyDrive! It's an unusual approach but please give it a try!
I've tested it for more than 20minutes and it really gets to feel good (for me), not only the movement itself, but switching players, selecting and using potions, too.
The inner 50% of the circle is a dead zone, the rest is slow walking up to fast running.
Try to push the crate to the key that appears when you kill the enemy_chase.

If it feels weird to change layers in reversed gravity mode, open main.c and set
var ip_y_reverse = 0;
to true (/ 1).

Last edited by Superku; 10/05/10 23:38.

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